From worker-recovered companies to a Wealth Observatory: a bid to challenge the world economic system

The trajectory of a workers’ struggle that began in the trade union movement and worker-recovered factories in Argentina has led to a new debate about the global economy. Author: François Soulard, November 2016   The threat of climate change, the turbulence of global politics and the dénouement of forty years of expansion of neoliberal socioproductive…

Reprogramming the Horizon of Struggle

“The struggle against our own weaknesses (…) regardless of any difficulties created by our enemy, the struggle against ourselves is the hardest, both now and in the future of our people” – Amilcar Cabral, La Habana, 1966. The Internet and cyberspace have, in just 25 years, become a new strategic frontier for competition among powers…

In the corridors of post-truth

  On the shock of the present, the narrowness of interpretative frameworks, and the communicational rape of the masses In the first half of the twentieth century, Aldous Huxley wrote in Brave New World of his fear that the truth would be drowned in a sea of insignificant news and the desire for knowledge repressed.…